My day today has been spent mainly reading Finding
God by Larry Crabb. If any of you have ever experienced a significant trial in
your life I believe that it will minister to you the way that it is me right
now. Dr. Crabb is saying so many things that I am completely relating with
right now. He is some how taking what I am feeling and expressing it in words
that I have not been able to. And he is saying things to me that probably
nobody could right now, but reading them has been incredibly helpful.
"Modern thinking encourages us to find
ourselves, to heal our shame, and to pursue self-fulfillment. And as a
consequence, we value healing for our pain more than pardon for our sins;
we view Gods kindness as more appropriate than surprising, more immediately
helpful than deeply humbling. (pg59, Finding God)"
"We need to see ourselves as more sinful than
wounded. We need to face the ugly, self-centered energy present in all our
conversations. (pg 59, Finding God)"
"The elimination of struggle and the ability
to love someone else perfectly describe our lives in heaven, not maturity on
this earth. No matter how well I come to know the Lord, until I actually see
him, my life will still be a mess- and so will yours. Finding God in this life
does not mean building a house in a land of no storms; rather it means building
a house that no storm can destroy. Am I building that house? Are you? Are we
moving through our problems toward finding God? Do we know what it means to dig
deeply enough to discover something other than more problems- to discover
Someone beyond ourselves? Have we hit rock?...But the more I wrestle with life
as it really is, the more I am aware that loving a spiritually disciplined life
develops at best only a nodding acquaintance with God. ... My countless hours
counseling providing therapy for hundreds of people suggests that a focus in
increased knowledge of self rarely leads to richer knowledge of God. Getting
better acquainted with ourselves in order to find God-and do nothing more- is
like endlessly studying an X-ray of spot riddled lungs without ever submitting
to surgery. pg 72, Finding God"
Man that's good for me...
so glad you found this girl. we love, miss and pray about you often.