So for some reason my computer wont let me add the other video I made so I just had to post the after's with pictures.

We are completely blessed and spoiled by our parents who have pretty much furnished our whole home for us. Realistically 85% of our furniture in our home was from either Brett's or my parents and we can't even say how much of a blessing that truly is to us. So as most new wives when we moved from STL to Jonesboro and were actually moving into a home together I had big aspirations. I became obsessed with HGTV and having the "perfect home". What a facade I was chasing after. We have been in our home about a month and half now and it didn't take me too long to realize there is no such thing. I really had to evaluate my motives as to why I felt the need for it to be exactly right.
One of God's big truth's that I had forgotten amidst the excitement was that this is not my home nor will ever be. I was falling prey to the lie that I can make this perfect and I will be satisfied when this gets painted or when we can afford to buy this or that, the list went on and on. It wasn't until I was spending time with one the women whom I really look up to in my life that she reminded me, "Kat, this is not your home, this is merely where you are passing through and laying your head at night." I needed to hear that and re-focus my eyes on Christ.
" But our citizenship is in heaven. and we eagerly await a Saviour from there, the Lord Jesus Christ." Philippians 3:20 See this earth is not our home, if we are in Christ then our home is with him in heaven and we are simply eagerly awaiting him. Please do not misunderstand me. I do not think it is a bad thing to have a nice home and for it to be furnished and decorated well. However, I do think the problem lies with the motives of having it furnished/decorated well. In my case I wanted to receive the glory for my decorating skills or craftiness instead of giving them to the Lord on High who deserves them all. I am thankful that I was remind of truth and that I can not find satisfaction in a nice home just like I can not find true satisfaction in anything beside the Lord whom I serve.
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