Wow! We have had quite the busy past few weeks! As I'm sure many of you have had as well :) The Holiday's can be such a busy and hectic time, I hope that you all found time to thank the Lord from whom they are all about. Brett and I had an awesome time together as our first married Christmas and New Years!
Our lives Have been a little busy lately with my 40 hour a week work schedule and his support raising! We recently just got home from a trip to Nashville. It was that time a year again, the New Year's Conference. It was bigger than ever with 1,800 college students from all over the US! It was so great to get away for a little while and renew our vision! Brett had the opportunity to spend time with some A-State football players while I spent my time with my Murray disciples. It was such a blessing to see them and encourage them and hear what God has been doing in their lives over their breaks at home!
God was so sweet and faithful (as He always is) at conference. One of my disciples best friends was able to attend conference with her this year. Hannah had been praying for this girl for over a year now and she surrendered her life to the Lord at NYC this year. Another awesome thing God did: for about a year I prayed for a girls salvation. THis was a girl whom I didn't know really well, I had only had a few encounters with her but I felt the Lord laying her on my heart. I moved and never saw anything come of this girl. But I received a phone call a few weeks ago to find out that one of my disciples at Murray actually led her to Christ!!! The Lord answered my prayer a year and half later through one of my disciples! It was so amazing and a wonderful blessing.
While i have been home the Lord has been sharing some valuable information me about distractions. How often do we get distracted or side tracked and allow for God to take the back seat for the day? I know that can happen in my life often if I allow it to. I have been debating buying a game to play during my rest time (not that there is anything wrong with games) but have recently decided against it because knowing myself I probably would not only play it during rest time but it would consume much of my day and it would probably find priotiy over other things that I could be doing. The Lord led me to this in my time alone with him the past few days and also from this video:
After I saw that video for the first time it was alarming how true I've seen it to be in my life as well as many others that I know. I would encourage you to take an introspective look at your life and see where you are being distracted and rid yourself of those distractions.
Prayer Requests for Brett and I:
- We have recently had some big support meetings that we are waiting to hear back about if they are interested in joining our support team. Pray that they are interested and that they will join for at least $100 a month. If the Lord provided 8 families that would join our team for $100 a month we would be finished with our support.
- Pray that Brett and I would be continually thankful for the jobs that God has provided for us during this time of transition. And that we would go into them everyday with a heart to glorify God through our work and through our attitudes.
- Pray that we would continue to learn how to be a husband and a wife and that we would be each others biggest encouragers, supporter, and fan!!
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