Well if you are a supporter I can safely assume that you got my last update. As I mentioned in the update I had sent two update letters this fall many people said that they had not received them. So Im sure what happened there but hopefully everyone received the last one!
Brett and I will be married for two weeks tomorrow!! We went to Mexico for our honeymoon after the wedding. We stayed in a beautiful resort in the Rivera Maya and had an awesome time. Apart from the food poisoning that is. Brett and I both got very sick on the honeymoon which helps with quick bonding and really laying it all out there when you have to hold your wife's hair back as she is throwing up.
Just in case you didn't receive my update and are wondering what is going on with Brett and I right now this paragraph is for you!
Brett and I are living in O'fallon Il at least until February 15 (which is when our lease ends in the apt we are in now). Brett is finishing our financial support for CO staff right now. As many of you know; since we work for a non-profit ministry and are classified as state side missionaries we have to raise our full income. Brett and I are at about 70% of our total goal right now with about $1,066 left to be raised to be exact! So Brett is working on our support at night and working at his step-dad's large equipment company in the day. While I recently got a job at the mall working seasonal hoping they will keep me on until we leave to help pay the bills for now. If you are still giving (which is what we encourage) then the money you are sending every month is going into like a savings account for Brett and I. See we have two different accounts working for CO. One is our regular monthly account where all our monthly support goes into and the other is like our saving account. Say one month a family is not able to give for various reasons, well in that case we would still get paid the same amount and then their support would be taken from the saving's account that month. Sometimes that can be confusing but I hope that helps clear any confusion up!
As many of you know as well we have been waiting to hear what campus we are going to be going to....and we found out! Drumroll please.........Arkansas State University in Jonesboro, AR!! It has been so wonderful to be able to have a plan and know for sure where we are going to be moving to! So as soon as our support is done we will be moving to AR and beginning sharing the Gospel with students on the campus of ASU. Please begin praying that the Lord will go before us and begin to soften men and women's hearts at that campus and that we will have many opportunities for relationships with students quickly when we get there!
So, this last week Brett and I got all moved into our new apt! We are so excited to have a little spot of our own and have had a lot of fun setting it up together! We cant believe that thanksgiving is already here and we will celebrating our fist holiday as a married couple. My family is coming in town next weekend and I am thrilled to see my nephews (Jackson 2 1/2 and Jared 13 mo) whom I have not seen in tooo long. So after I get off work from black Friday we will be heading down to Cape for a visit!!
We hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday and if you have any other questions or did not receive the last support update please let me know!!
ARKANSAS!!!! That's a bit too far away for my liking, but I'm excited none the less. :) Praying for you both!