Hey All!!!
So it has been a little longer than I thought it would be before i would write again! We have been in a continued state of activities on the campus and with students so much! The Lord has been doing so much in mine and Brett's heart lately. Although we are both learning two very different things.
This week we kicked off Chi O bible study and it was so great! There were 10 girls there which is a huge increase from last year so I am super excited about that. I pray that will just continue to grow as the semester goes on. Brett kicked off Pike and KA bible study this week as well, which both had about 30 guys at! So that was a huge blessing and it seems like the Lord is already doing a lot in so many of the students hearts!
I just finished having breakfast with a student this morning involved in our ministry. It was encouraging as I got to listen to her heart that wants to serve the Lord in whatever capacity He chooses. I am thankful for her openness in telling me how she was really doing and her openness to be vulnerable with me. She, like so many before is having to wrestle with the Lord in His area of goodness. And why things happen that we cant seem to see any good in at all. I have been through this and seen many people go through this. With perseverance we come out on the other side stronger for it, believing truth and simply trusting that the clay can not tell the potter what they should do with their creation and that God is good no matter what. (Romans 9:21, Romans 8:28, Jeremiah 29:11)
I just got back from Murray, Ky last weekend visiting some of my old disciples! What an awesome trip it was! I was so thankful to spend time with them for a few days encouraging one another! At least I pray that I was an encouragement to them. Here they are below!
I actually am going to be traveling again tomorrow, heading up to STL to see my family for a few days. My brother and his wife and children are going to be flying up to my parents house for a few days. So of course I have to go up and see my adorable nephews and family for a few days as well. I am super sad to leave my hubby behind again for a few more days, but it's always so sweet when we see each other after being apart for a little bit.
I'm sure I will have plenty of pictures to show off next week after a weekend with the cutest little boys in the world!!